Aphrodite (Caster)

An ancient Greek goddess associated with love, beauty, pleasure, passion and procreation, and is a member of the Twelve Olympians. Her major symbols included myrtles, roses, doves, sparrows and swans. In some regions, she was also worshipped as a goddess of the ocean alongside with Poseidon due to the method of her birth. The people honoured Aphrodite as a protector of those who travelled by sea, especially courtesans as well as prostitutes.

The cult of Aphrodite was largely derived from that of the Phoenician goddess Astarte, a cognate of the East Semitic goddess Ishtar, whose cult was based on the Sumerian cult of Inanna. Aphrodite's main cult centers were Cythera, Cyprus, Corinth, and Athens. Her main festival was the Aphrodisia, which was celebrated annually in midsummer. In Laconia, Aphrodite was worshipped as a warrior goddess. She was also the patron goddess of prostitutes, an association which led early scholars to propose the concept of "sacred prostitution", an idea which is now generally seen as erroneous.

Cronus severed Uranus' genitals and threw them behind him into the sea. The foam from his genitals gave rise to Aphrodite (hence her name, which iis interpreten as "foam-arisen"), while the Giants, the Erinyes (furies), and the Meliae emerged from the drops of his blood. It was stated that the genitals "were carried over the sea a long time, and white foam arose from the immortal flesh; with it a girl grew."

Symbols and Explanation
Plants & Fruits: Rose, Myrtle, Apple, Pomegranates, Anemone, Poppy, Cypress, and Linden.
She was also worshiped as 'Goddess of Flowers' because of the pro-creation part she also made the ground fruitful with her blessings thus her worshipper made aside for temples as well holy groves to honor her.

Ocean Based Animals:
Dolphin, Scallop Shell, Pearl and Sea Anemones.
Due to her birth and being worshiped as 'Ocean Goddess' alongside Poseidon.

Dove, Sparrow, Swan, Swallow, Geese, Duck, Capricorn and Rabbits.
She get's most likely brought up with water or earth based animals.

Mirrors and Girdle.
Mirror comes from the fact it shows shows herself as goddess of beauty and the girdle if because of her precious charme belt, kestos himas which she sometimes lended to women to charme men.


Original Body:

Aphrodite had long chocolate brown wavey hair mostly tight together in greek fashion.She had eyes Blue as the ocean which only changed to a shining yellow color when she used divine power. Her body was slightly tanned and her skin was smooth like silk. She had a beautiful shaped body even if it was a little chubby, long legs with thicc tighs, rather wide hip and voluptuous as well as perky breasts.

She weared mainly a silk white dress that comes down just barely to her thighs, with an open area over her belly with the top tied together to cover her breasts, while still amply keeping her cleavage in perfect view. Her neck accompanied by a light scarf of the same material and color, gently wrapped around it. To that she weared mostly brown gladiator sandals and either a crown of roses or some shells in her hair.

As Pseudo-Servant with Jacy as vessel:

As Aphrodite accepted Jacy as her vessel, she still looks rather similiar to her original form.
Jacy's body is a little smaller in height but has a bigger chest in return as well as a slight darker tan tone.

(NOTE: No art is mine and belongs to the right artist, I just use the Faceclaim Sagisawa Fumika for my OC)


Aphrodite is an energetic and self confident woman, knowing full well she's beautiful. She see's no shame in presenting her body no matter if in her original body or Jacy's body.

She is usually teasy and seductive since she enjoys the reactions of especially men. Ever since the goddess shares the body with her vessel Jacy do Prazer Aphrodite has a lot fun teasing Jacy with dressing in daring or light clothing, but she wouldn't really harm Jacy since she actually really cares and likes her.

Aphrodite generously rewarded those who honored her, but also punished those who disrespected her, often quite brutally. However since connected to Jacy she became way more calm and patient. Meaning making her mad is way harder now and even if she would start get mad Jacy would hold her back depending on the situation and amount of anger from the goddess.

Since she became a servant, she wanted to seperate herself from things of the past and even if she's pained by some things Aphrodite would mostly smile it away. She actually is pretty lazy and just wants to have fun and attention, for this she actually declares to have own 'events' dressing herself in different outfits as well as playing pranks.
Aphrodite is mostly acting pretty carefree and does whatever she feels like, saying her thoughts openly without hesitation.



Uranus's severed genitals and the sea.

Aeacus, Angelos, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Dionysus, Eileithyia, Enyo, Eris, Ersa, Hebe, Helen of Troy, Hephaestus, Heracles, Hermes, Minos, Pandia, Persephone, Perseus, Rhadamanthus, the Graces, the Horae, the Litae, the Muses, the Moirai, or the Titans, the Cyclopes, the Meliae, the Erinyes (Furies), the Giants and the Hekatonkheires

With Ares: Eros, Phobos, Deimos, Harmonia, Pothos, Anteros, Himeros and Adrestia.

With Hermes: Hermaphroditus.

With Poseidon: Rhodos and Eryx.

With Dionysus: Peitho, The Graces and Priapus.

With Adonis: Beroe and Golgos

With Anchises: Aeneas

Age of God's

Marriage & Outcome of it

In order to prevent the other gods from fighting over Aphrodite, Zeus hastily married her to Hephaestus, the god of blacksmiths and metalworking.

Despite this, Aphrodite was frequently unfaithful to him because she didn't wanted to marry him in the first place because she had an eye on Ares, the god of war.
She was once caught in the act of adultery with Ares because the sun-god Helios once spied the 'couple' enjoying each other secretly in the hall of Hephaestus, her husband. He reported the incident to Hephaestus. Contriving to catch the illicit couple in the act, Hephaestus fashioned a finely-knitted and nearly invisible net with which to snare them. At the appropriate time, this net was sprung, and trapped Ares and Aphrodite locked in very private embrace.

But Hephaestus was not satisfied with his revenge, so he invited the Olympian gods and goddesses to view the unfortunate pair. For the sake of modesty, the goddesses demurred, but the male gods went to witness the sight. Some commented on the beauty of Aphrodite, others remarked that they would eagerly trade places with Ares, but all who were present mocked the two. Once the couple was released, the embarrassed Ares returned to his homeland, Thrace, leaving Aphrodite. Humiliated she first went to Paphos before returning to Cyprus, where she was attended by the Charites.

After that or maybe even before, Hephaestus had an eye on Athena.
Both are actually still in a bad relationship to each other.

Island of Lemnos
Aphrodite tended to lose her temper rather quickly when people disrespected her, so as the women of the island of Lemnos refused to sacrifice to Aphrodite, the goddess cursed them to stink horribly so that their husbands would never have sex with them. Instead, their husbands started having sex with their Thracian slave-girls. In anger, the women of Lemnos murdered the entire male population of the island, as well as all the Thracian slaves. When Jason and his crew of Argonauts arrived on Lemnos, they mated with the sex-starved women under Aphrodite's approval and repopulated the island. From then on, the women of Lemnos never disrespected Aphrodite again.

Theseus's son Hippolytus worshipped only Artemis, the goddess of virginity, one of Aphrodites sister goddesses and refuses to engage in any form of sexual contact. Aphrodite feeling infuriated by his prideful behavior and jealousy for her her sister declared that, by honoring only Artemis and refusing to venerate her, Hippolytus has directly challenged her authority. Aphrodite therefore causes Hippolytus's stepmother, Phaedra, to fall in love with him, knowing Hippolytus will reject her. After being rejected, Phaedra commits suicide and leaves a suicide note to Theseus telling him that she killed herself because Hippolytus attempted to rape her. Theseus prays to Poseidon to kill Hippolytus for his transgression. Poseidon sends a wild bull to scare Hippolytus's horses as he is riding by the sea in his chariot, causing the horses to bolt and smash the chariot against the cliffs, dragging Hippolytus to a bloody death across the rocky shoreline.[Afterwards Artemis vowed to kill Aphrodite's own mortal beloved (presumably Adonis) in revenge.

Zeus once became annoyed with Aphrodite for causing or helping deities to fall in love with mortals, so he caused her to fall in love with Anchises, a handsome mortal shepherd who lived in the foothills beneath Mount Ida near the city of Troy. Aphrodite appears to Anchises in the form of a tall, beautiful, mortal virgin while he is alone in his home. Anchises sees her dressed in bright clothing and gleaming jewelry, with her breasts shining with divine radiance. He asks her if she is Aphrodite and promises to build her an altar on top of the mountain if she will bless him and his family. Aphrodite lied and told him that she is not a goddess, but the daughter of one of the noble families of Phrygia. She claimed to be able to understand the Trojan language because she had a Trojan nurse as a child and says that she found herself on the mountainside after she was snatched up by Hermes while dancing in a celebration in honor of Artemis, the goddess of virginity. Forced by Zeus doing Aphrodite wanted him so badly she told Anchises that she is still a virgin and begged him to take her to his parents. Anchises immediately becomes overcome with mad lust for Aphrodite and swears that he will have sex with her. Anchises takes Aphrodite, with her eyes cast downwards, to his bed, which is covered in the furs of lions and bears. After he striped her naked he made love to her.
After the lovemaking is complete, Aphrodite now released from the force of Zeus, reveals her true divine form. Anchises was terrified, but Aphrodite consoled him and promised that she will bear him a son. She prophesied that their son will be the demigod Aeneas, who will be raised by the nymphs of the wilderness for five years before going to Troy to become a nobleman like his father.

Adonis was the son of Myrrha, who was cursed by Aphrodite with insatiable lust for her own father, King Cinyras of Cyprus, after Myrrha's mother bragged that her daughter was more beautiful than the goddess. Driven out after becoming pregnant, Myrrha was changed into a myrrh tree, but still gave birth to Adonis. Aphrodite found the baby, and took him to the underworld to be fostered by Persephone. She returned for him once he was grown and discovered him to be strikingly handsome. Persephone wanted to keep Adonis, resulting in a custody battle between the two goddesses over whom should rightly possess Adonis. Zeus settled the dispute by decreeing that Adonis would spend one third of the year with Aphrodite, one third with Persephone, and one third with whomever he chose. Adonis however chose to spend that time with Aphrodite since he loved the goddess. Then, one day, while Adonis was hunting, he was wounded by a wild boar and bled to death in Aphrodite's arms. As she mourned Adonis's death, she caused anemones to grow wherever his blood fell, and declared a festival on the anniversary of his death.

She heard that the boar was either sent by Ares, who was jealous that Aphrodite was spending so much time with Adonis, or by Artemis, who wanted revenge against Aphrodite for having killed her devoted follower Hippolytus in jealousy for her sister of virginity.

Zeus orders Aphrodite to make Pandora, the first woman, physically beautiful and sexually attractive, so that she may become "an evil men will love to embrace". Aphrodite "spills grace" over Pandora's head and equips her with "painful desire and knee-weakening anguish", thus making her the perfect vessel for evil to enter the world. Aphrodite's attendants, Peitho, the Charites, and the Horae, adorn Pandora with gold and jewelry.

Hippomenes & Atalanta

Aphrodite aided Hippomenes, a noble youth who wished to marry Atalanta, a maiden who was renowned throughout the land for her beauty, but who refused to marry any man unless he could outrun her in a footrace. Atalanta was an exceedingly swift runner and she beheaded all of the men who lost to her. Since Atalanta was blessed by Aphrodite's sister goddess Artemis who possibly was at fault for Adonis death, she gave Hippomenes three golden apples from the Garden of the Hesperides and instructed him to toss them in front of Atalanta as he raced her. Hippomenes obeyed Aphrodite's order and Atalanta, seeing the beautiful, golden fruits, bent down to pick up each one, allowing Hippomenes to outrun her. Hippomenes however forgets to repay Aphrodite for her aid, so she causes the couple to become inflamed with lust while they are staying at the temple of Cybele.The couple desecrate the temple by having sex in it, leading Cybele to turn them into lions as punishment.

Judgment of Paris and Trojan War
It started with all the gods and goddesses as well as various mortals being invited to the marriage of Peleus and Thetis (the eventual parents of Achilles).Only Eris, goddess of discord, was not invited. She was annoyed at this, so she arrived with a golden apple inscribed with the word "for the fairest", which she threw among the goddesses. Animated to a competition due to rivaly between the goddesses Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena all claimed to be the fairest, and thus the rightful owner of the apple. The goddesses chose to place the matter before Zeus, who, not wanting to favor one of the goddesses, put the choice into the hands of Paris, a Trojan prince. After bathing in the spring of Mount Ida where Troy was situated, the goddesses appeared before Paris for his decision. In the extant ancient depictions of the Judgement of Paris. All three goddesses were ideally beautiful and Paris could not decide between them, so they resorted to bribes.Hera tried to bribe Paris with power over all Asia and Europe and Athena offered wisdom, fame and glory in battle, but Aphrodite promised Paris that, if he were to choose her as the fairest, she would let him marry the most beautiful woman on earth. This woman was Helen, who was already married to King Menelaus of Sparta. Paris selected Aphrodite and awarded her the apple. The other two goddesses were enraged and, as a direct result, sided with the Greeks in the Trojan War.

Aphrodite plays an important and active role throughout the war. She she rescues Paris from Menelaus after he foolishly challenges him to a one-on-one duel. The goddess then appears to Helen in the form of an old woman and attempts to persuade her to have sex with Paris, reminding her of his physical beauty and athletic prowess. Helen immediately recognizes Aphrodite by her beautiful neck, perfect breasts, and flashing eyes and chides the goddess, addressing her as her equal. Aphrodite sharply rebukes Helen, reminding her that, if she vexes her, she will punish her just as much as she has favored her already. Helen demurely obeys Aphrodite's command.

At some point, Aphrodite charges into battle to rescue her son Aeneas from the Greek hero Diomedes.
Diomedes recognizes Aphrodite as a "weakling" goddess and, thrusted his spear, nicks her wrist through her "ambrosial robe". Aphrodite borrows Ares's chariot to ride back to Mount Olympus for Zeus chides her for putting herself in danger, reminding her that "her specialty is love, not war."
Aphrodite wanting to help in the war then lends her kestos himas to Hera for the purpose of seducing Zeus and distracting him from the combat while Poseidon aids the Greek forces on the beach. She again enters the battle as she heard Ares was wounded to carry him away.

Servant Stats Skills and More

Aphrodite (Jacy)
5* Caster
(Note: Everything written in (...) is only counting for Jacy Aphrodites vessel)

AKA: Greek Goddess of Love, Beauty, Pleasure, Passion, Procreation and Ocean.
(The Mage who did everything to see him again)

ID: ??? Cost: 16
ATK: 1837/10 600 HP: 2291/14 300
Grail ATK: 11 801 Grail HP: 15 821
Voice Actor: Prefered Sora Amamiya Illustrator: Prefered Warda Ako
Attribute: Water
Growth Curve: Linear
Star Absorbtion: 50
Star Generation: 10%
NP Charge ATK: 1,64%
NP Charge DEF: 3%
Death Rate: 22,5%

Alligements: Lawful Good

Gender: Female

Strength: B-
Endurance: B
Agillity: B
Mana: EX
Luck: A
NP: A+
Traits: Divine, Female, humanoid, pseudo-servant, servant, weak to enuma elish



First Skill: Aphrodites Charme (EX)
60% Chance of charming male enemies to
40% Chance of attack down with female enemies

Second Skill: Aphrodites Golden Apple (A)
A Golden apple that heals 1000 HP on max level and removes debuffs

Third Skill: Oceans Blessing (A)
Increases Noble Phantasm damage.

Passive Skills:

1 Goddess Essence: B
Increases own damage, Increases own debuff resitance

2 Territory Creation: B
Increases Arts performance

Noble Phantasm


"Blessings of the Ocean...hereby I command, you shall bend after my will and swallow all my enemies into thy deep abyss. Okeanus!"

Okeanus is the name of the NP since it's for Jacy still wanting to show the ocean to Iskandar. As well as a nod to her fact of being born from ocean foam and was worshipped with Poseidon as ocean deity. It's a reality marble, Aphrodite stays on high stone cliff looking down to the sea where she either can cause a big whirl or split the sea in two halfs and cause them to fall together again like...moses splitting the sea into two.)

Reality Marble Okeanus
Rank: A+
Classification: Anti-Army
Type: Arts
Hit Count: ???
Effect: Deals damage to all enemies and seals skills for 1 turn
Charge Effect: Damage increases


Max. 5 Slots: 3/5

Coming soon~


Max. 3 Slots: 1/3

Coming soon~

( Made with Carrd )